Monday, June 05, 2006

Fatter and Crazier

Being pregnant has made me worry more in the past 6 months than I've worried in my whole life. Eyes, ears, heart, lungs, intelligent brain, arms, legs, and all sorts of innards...their growth and function creep into my thoughts with every kick. I pray constantly for my baby. I want desperately for him to be healthy all over, inside and out. My patience is being testing to it's very fullest extent. Having to wait nine months to find out if he's completely okay. Having to wait sometimes hours between kicks to reassure me that he's alright for the time being. I wonder how people are so confident that they purposely go through this multiple times. Maybe I will see things differently after he is here. I just don't know how this is going to end up. I'm already fatter and crazier. Guess I'll be a fatter and crazier MOTHER. I know I have much joy to look forward to. Maybe I'm too impatient. Maybe younger mothers have an advantage over me in that their youth makes them a bit more worry free. I'm trying to distract myself with the positive aspects. Like the beautiful nursery furniture that we ordered Friday evening. The crib, changer, and chest are walnut. Babies R Us said it would be in in 7 days!!! It may freak me out even more to see the furniture in the room and have it further sink in that in a few months a little baby will be residing in this room!


Blogger Lizzle said...

It's only natural to worry. Especially since it's your first time being a mommy... and once he's out, you'll still worry... You'll repeatedly check him to see if he's breathing, if he still has both eyes, all ten fingers, all ten toes, even when he's just sleeping, you'll check him over to make sure he hasn't been maimed.

Welcome to motherhood.

6:09 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

You're such a careful person that I'm sure he'll be fine! I know you can do it!

7:26 AM  

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