The Faith and The Questions
I'm often left confused after reading opinions about both the War in Iraq and the Christian Faith. I realize that our President may not have been completely forthcoming regarding weapons of mass destruction. However I can't help but see a much larger picture outside of those mainly political rants. My larger picture revolves around the issue of love. Love is Faith.
I dearly love my earthly father. My family had to suffer his absence while he served in Iraq. My foremost memory of his service there revolves around both his words and pictures. Pictures and memories of children. Children who were bound to grow up under the tyrannical, torturous rule of Saddam Hussein. Little boys and girls with innocence framing their faces, clutching coloring books and pencils. They will now be able to grow up in a country with a democratic government. While it won't be perfect, it will undoubtedly be better, much better.
The lives that have been lost have not been lost in vain. Love for country, for democracy, and for God have led soldiers to make precious sacrifices. Love is the bigger picture that I see. Weapons of mass destruction are incidental in this war.
While I realize that America is not the "World Police" I also realize that having a conscience and a heart have a price. The price we pay is to take action while others sit idle, ignoring pleas for mercy. It is the job of those with power to deal mercifully with those in need.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post. So many people portray the families of soldiers as these screaming idiots "Get my family back to me! Why are we over there!! I hate Bush!" and that's just not the case. Almost EVERY family I know who have loved ones overseas agrees with or at least understands the need to be there.
Your father made a sacrifice for all of us and for those people who do not know what freedom is . . yet.
Thank you and your family for all that you have given up for us.
Meghan and Jen, I was worried about how this post might come across. But from your responses I can see that I communicated my mind very well. And Jen, thanks for the complement for my dad. He certainly thinks he's "hot stuff"!
I meant to tell you, I hope you got your daddy's eyes! If so, I can see why Ax probably fell for you IMMEDIATELY!
Meghan, That's very sweet of you, but no I didn't get my dad's blue eyes. I got my mom's green eyes. However I must admit that it is my dad's eye color that drew me to Ax. I've always found blue eyes to be beautiful.
Blue, green, they're all gorgeous and attention grabbing. :)
So NOT like brown. Boring, everyone has em, brown.
You're lucky girl!
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