Monday, December 12, 2005

It's all about Me

5 things about me that most people don't know:

1) I always want cake and sweets for breakfast. When I wake up in the morning I have to fight the urge to eat any leftover cake or candy lying around. I have no idea why.

2) I feel guilty for my foul mouth. I wish I could stop using bad language but it just seems to perfectly express what I'm trying to convey. I hope that my foul mouth never ever discredits my faith to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. See, I'm resolving to stop again, right now dammit.

3) When I was a child I had many, many dolls in my room. And like a favorite blogger I read (Green Canary) I too thought they were watching me. I would actually whisper "Good night." to them because I thought they'd be mad if I didn't. .......Yes, scary I know. It was that stupid movie "The Puppet Master" that caused it all.

4) If my life were perfect and my world was everything I wanted it to be, I 'd have at least three kids. I would also quit my job to stay home with them. I hope I get to have at least two.

5) I am absolutely fascinated by ghosts, spirits, aliens, and angels. I love to read about them all and watch television shows about them. However I am quite certain that if I were to ever encounter any of them I would certainly stroke out.


Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

LOVED finding these things out!

As for the sugar cravings in the morning, I do the exact same thing . . . but mine's a medical thing and I know it. I'm on meds for it.

As for the kids thing . . umm, yeah, so how's that trying for pregnancy thing going????

3:52 PM  
Blogger Jenni said...

Meghan, It's morning here now and I soooo wanna go to the squad room in the PD and see if anyone has brought the cops any Christmas goodies! And as for news yet. I've been off the pills for almost a month and should get a visitor next week to see if I'm regular. Other than that, it's a waiting game! I HATE not knowing what my body is thinking. Thanks for asking.

5:52 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I used to eat a small piece of chocolate cake for breakfast, but then I wouldn't eat sweets again that day. It just depends on when you want them!

8:07 AM  

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