Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Emotions on Edge

There is a family in the Chattanooga area that has experience tremendous loss.
Through their loss I understand the meaning of being thankful to God for my abundant blessings. I have difficulty comprehending other people's loss and tragedy. It seems as though when things happen out of my line of sight I fail to truly acknowledge the depth of the situation. The family mentioned in this article is suffering unimaginably. I pray that God gives them strength and peace in their suffering. When reading about them I can't help but recognize how fortunate I am. My family may be a bit crazy but they are here with me and are healthy for the most part. But I have to question, what makes me so different from this family and others who are suffering as a result of various issues, hurricanes and natural disasters? The good times are now. When will the suffering come? Or will I be fortunate enough to never experience it? It must surely be a fine line that we all walk. The life we live is fragile. Lives can be fractured or lost in a slight second. Although it's obvious that a person can't let fear of loss keep them from living. It just seems overwhelming to contemplate life and it's fragility.
What will I have left behind when I'm gone? What will the memory of me be? I know exactly what I want it to be. I suppose the answer now is to live and work to make that image a reality while I'm able. I want to be remembered as godly, loving, trustworthy, sensible, reliable, and intelligent. May God lead and guide me to be as He wants me to be.


Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

That may be the most tragic thing I have ever read. I wish there was something I could do for that family . . something more than money (though I will send money to help).

6:40 AM  
Blogger Jenni said...

Yeah, it just about ripped my heart out. It's generous of you to contribute.

7:49 AM  

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