Monday, March 13, 2006

Granny is At It Again

My mother just called to inform me that my grandmother has been hounding my Uncle Mike, who lives in the house behind her, for money. My Uncle Mike was given steward over my granny's checkbook and finances after my granny bounced nearly thirty checks. The entire, horrid problem rests squarely on my cousin Mark, who lives with granny. Uncle Mike is his father. Mark is addicted to crack or meth or some such horrendous stuff. Mark hounds granny for money for any excuse he can think of and she falls for it hook, line, and sinker. Mark has granny basically brainwashed. After we originally took the checkbook from granny and gave it to Uncle Mike, Mark was informed of his future inability to procure crack/meth money from granny. Mark promptly borrowed granny's car (which he had promised not to do). He then proceeded to trade the car for $250 worth of crack/meth. Now we're back to square one.

My granny works at a nursing home as a receptionist. She has borrowed money from one of the patients of the nursing home. Well, isn't that nice?! What quicker way can you think of for her to get FIRED?! Other than just out and out stealing from the place. Honestly if the woman gets fired my sympathy will extremely limited if existent at all. She'd have brought it on herself. While I will concede that the situation has come about in it's entirety to the manipulations of a drug addict, I am fed up. Can you tell?!

When my mother called me at first today she was gung ho about kicking Mark out of granny's house. Mother was fired up about telling Mark to pack it up and not look back otherwise he was going to get his kneecaps broken. I am a big fan of this method. However now that things have cooled it doesn't look as if my mother is going to do anything. I agree with mother that it should be up to my Uncle Mike to do something about Mark. But Mark has been at this game for 2 or 3 years now and Uncle Mike has not made one tiny effort to do anything about Mark.

I am totally stressed out.


Blogger Sarah said...

Holy crap! And I think my family has issues! I would have kicked him out on his bum for stealing his grandma's car!

1:00 PM  
Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

This is SO not good for the baby.
Jenni, chica, you gotta stop stressing about this stuff.
I know, I know, it's not like you can.
But you KNOW that your family is like this . . and short of having Mark shot or committed, what is going to change??

My heart goes out to you, girl.

6:11 AM  
Blogger Lizzle said...

I'm a big fan of the boot method... Kick his ass out... And if you need someone to break his kneecaps, I'm happy to oblige!

11:05 AM  
Blogger Jenni said...

Sarah, Yes, my family is a big 'ol mess sometimes. You should see the circus at holiday celebrations!

Meghan, My mom and granny are to blame for using me as their middle man. They have never communicated well so I get dragged into it. Makes me sick, but nothing will likely change.

Liz, Thanks for the offer! Man oh man would Mark soooo deserve it!

5:30 AM  

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