Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Short Tempered Sally

I have really had a short fuse lately.
1. Yesterday I wanted to kill the Indian guy. (I also wanted to beat with baseball bats the Circuit City jerks who out- sourced the billing department.) I slammed the phone down very violently, most likely in the Indian guy's ear.
2. I almost yelled at, but instead just spoke through clenched teeth, at a dummy asking for help about a week too late. I can't turn back the damn clock, buddy!!
3. I just chewed out and then hung up on my granny. She's planned a trip to Gadsden, Al with my mom and I this Saturday to go see her aging cousins. But instead of being honest with me she came up with some bullcrap about not hearing back from her cousin to make arrangements. The truth is that granny has said she'd work this Saturday. Damn it.

I am getting frustrated and angry to easily, it seems. At least Ax has not been the recipient of my wrath at this point.


Blogger Isabel said...

Sometimes it's hard to keep our tempers in check! :-)

4:43 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

You should sit in Atlanta traffic and let your rage out. Shakes some fists, maybe even show a driver he's "number 1."

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should drive in a busy traffic jam in cities of India and then feel ur rage :P
PS: I believe most of the systems (including the Privacy Laws) are been constructed by government in your country. Maybe it is time, you write against these laws rather than people who maintain a mere job that barely support them :) tc

6:59 PM  
Blogger Jenni said...

Isabel, Yes, indeed. Very hard.
Sarah, I think I'd go crazy and start using my car like it was one of those bumper cars.
Jen, Yes, very deep breaths!
Shaggy, I agree! But I'm far to lazy to take on such seriousness as writing to/about Congress. I prefer my meaningless rants. Forgive me if I offended you.

5:46 AM  

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