Work and Court Observations
Wow, I've been busy at work lately. I don't like it when I actually have to work. I'd much rather surf the net and doze off thankyouverymuch. We have court coming up this week and I'm sure it'll be a barrel of laughs. The court is being held by the judge that can never remember when we get paid or what court dates he is supposed to be here for. During the last court that this judge held I made a few observations.
Before I mention my oh so keen observations I have to note what the judge, JN, actually said to me.
JN made a remark regarding the massive amount of paperwork that must be completed for each case. An attorney looked at me and said that he could tell that I enjoyed it all. I responded, "Yeah, sure I enjoy the paperwork. I say that with all the sarcasm that I can muster."
Okay, my response was not genius. However JN looks at me and says, "Wow, I didn't know you had such an extensive vocabulary."
WHAT THE??!!!!
I had to carefully examine JN's tone and expression.
I just laughed and said that I hoped my degree had helped me somewhat in that arena. But truthfully I wondered if the man thinks I have the IQ of a fruit fly.
JN evidently doesn't realize that when I am aggravated my vocabulary is broad, very broad. My mind began to reel with descriptive vocabulary.
Now, onto my observations:
No offense to any members of the profession. Okay, maybe a little offense. I have seen lawyers do some despicable things. That's a tall accusation coming from someone who has only worked in this po-dunk town and little traffic court. But it's true nonetheless.
2. How is it that I can fill out no less than 10 forms in the time it takes the judge and defendant to sign their names in two places?! Am I fast or are they just ridiculously slow? I'm thinking they are horribly slow.
3. When will the phrase, "I'm a single mom" stop being an excuse? I realize that at times it may be a valid explanation for a variety of situations. However the phrase seems annoyingly over used. And when you make this blanket statement it prompts many questions in my mind. The least of which being, "Why?".
4. It is amazing how much people can say with their eyes. One look can express aggravation, anger, guilty, ignorance. Fascinating.
Before I mention my oh so keen observations I have to note what the judge, JN, actually said to me.
JN made a remark regarding the massive amount of paperwork that must be completed for each case. An attorney looked at me and said that he could tell that I enjoyed it all. I responded, "Yeah, sure I enjoy the paperwork. I say that with all the sarcasm that I can muster."
Okay, my response was not genius. However JN looks at me and says, "Wow, I didn't know you had such an extensive vocabulary."
WHAT THE??!!!!
I had to carefully examine JN's tone and expression.
I just laughed and said that I hoped my degree had helped me somewhat in that arena. But truthfully I wondered if the man thinks I have the IQ of a fruit fly.
JN evidently doesn't realize that when I am aggravated my vocabulary is broad, very broad. My mind began to reel with descriptive vocabulary.
Now, onto my observations:
No offense to any members of the profession. Okay, maybe a little offense. I have seen lawyers do some despicable things. That's a tall accusation coming from someone who has only worked in this po-dunk town and little traffic court. But it's true nonetheless.
2. How is it that I can fill out no less than 10 forms in the time it takes the judge and defendant to sign their names in two places?! Am I fast or are they just ridiculously slow? I'm thinking they are horribly slow.
3. When will the phrase, "I'm a single mom" stop being an excuse? I realize that at times it may be a valid explanation for a variety of situations. However the phrase seems annoyingly over used. And when you make this blanket statement it prompts many questions in my mind. The least of which being, "Why?".
4. It is amazing how much people can say with their eyes. One look can express aggravation, anger, guilty, ignorance. Fascinating.
Umm, extensive vocabulary??? Was he referring to "sarcasm" or "muster"??? What is WRONG with people.
I used "abscond" in a note once, a note that TOTALLY gave the meaning of the word by CONTEXT alone . . . and had MANY MANY looks of distress and fear the next day when I arrived at work. WHAT???
1 - Thank goodness. I only hope MY lawyer is a bigger crook than the Insurance Company's lawyer.
2 - If they are men - they are slow. If they are women - they are stupid. YOU, you are a peach and a gem and quick as all get out.
3 - THANK YOU!!!!! AMEN!!!
4 - And how many times a day do your eyes flash memos to the ignorant??
Meghan, I loving your point on #4. If my thoughts were made public I'd be killed. Painfully.
Lewis, Bet that guy who flipped you off learned a HUGE lesson.
I once work-studied with two of the world's oldest secretaries. They assumed I was an idiot because I was young, and therefore refused to allow me to do anything but campus errands, lunch runs, and photocopying. I saved their decrepit butts with a computer problem one day and won the acclaim of the department head. Their resentment was palpable. Oh... what joy! :-)
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