Wednesday, April 26, 2006

18 1/2 Weeks

I had cake for breakfast this morning.

I hope I'm not squishing my baby when I lean forward.

Things are stretching and growing. Especially at night. It's just what I think.

I want Taco Bell NOW. (Yes, it's 9 a.m. here)

I think Ax will be the best daddy in the world.

To Meghan:-- I think we are going to name the baby Ty (if it's a boy). I just have a feeling.

I need a haircut. Maybe it's these vitamins, but my hair is growing like crazy.

We are having a yardsale in two weeks. I REALLY hope we sell ALL our crap. If not only to keep us from having to load it up and donate it.

Funny how things pop into your mind randomly. My cousin Haley in Nashville is only 16. She's a cheerleader, blonde, spoiled rotten (she drives a 2006 Eddie Bauer SUV) and is drop dead gorgeous. She is also the biggest SNOB on the planet. She barely speaks to family when she's around, which is rarely. I remember when she was little and we'd hear stories of how she had trouble pooping when she was a baby. I should remind her at the next family gathering THAT I KNOW THIS. Heeeheeeee. Damn I'm mean. But it's just so fun.

I want to decorate the nursery NOW. My mom needs to get with it and come up with her part of the nursery furniture money. Maybe I'll go buy the curtains this weekend.

IRONY FOR THE DAY. I was just doing spell check on this entry. I misspelled "nursery"....I spelled it "nusery"....and the spell check suggested "misery". YIKES.


Blogger meghansdiscontent said...


I love "Ty" . . and not just because it's my brudder's name.
Which oddly enough, I blogged about earlier.

No judgement on the cake.
OMG, you have to name a boy Ty . . . I JUST got back from taking my brudder to Taco Bell. He was hardcore craving it. See, it's a sign. You wanted Taco Bell, brudder wanted Taco Bell. (yeah, it's a huge reach!)

Good luck with your yardsale, chica!!

Snobby 16 yr olds . . where do they get off? Seriously?

How are you decorating the nursery?????????????

5:25 PM  
Blogger Jenni said...

Yes, it's a sign. Taco Bell brings us all together!
Yeah, those 16 year she's really EARNED that mega huge SUV she's driving (*whatever* -said valley girl style)
The nursery will have 4 peices total. 2 peices of cherry furnitrue - the crib and chest. 2 peices of pine - the rocker and changing table. The walls will be a light mint green color (Ax picked it and I love it) with darker green curtains (I'm thinking - Ax is picky.) I will have to pick out a rug, the floors are hardwood. I'm excited about seeing it come together. Now the question is "Where the hell am I going to put the treadmill?!"

5:53 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I love Ty!

5:55 AM  

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