Monday, April 10, 2006

Medula Oblongata...ya know, from Water Boy

My nephew's birthday party was fun. Weeellll, once my dad stopped trying to get himself arrested by one of the amusement park security guards.
Mom and dad had brought pizza for the party from an outside vendor. The security guards weren't going to allow them through the gates with the pizza. My dad, who is famously short tempered, started yelling and raising hell. Right before my dad decided to flip out, my mom was told that if the pizzas were put into a bag to cover up the name on the box, then they would be allowed in. My dad's hissy fit only served to delay things. After we all went in, daddy apologized to the poor, elderly security guard he'd yelled at. My dad's Medula Oblongata is outta whack.
I won't even tell the story about my dad punching a guy who had come out to my mom's office that wasnt' supposed to be there.
More on Medula Oblongata problems...
Tom's party was pretty wild. At least wild from the "Only Sober Person" there's perspective. Tom and Sandy both work for the same company. Tom invited some of the older crowed there that he works with. And these guys got D.R.U.N.K. The memorable quote from the night is "Lick that up!!!"
The quote was made in reference to liquor that had been spilled on the counter.


Blogger Sarah said...

hehe when my first neice first learned to talk we immediately taught her where her medula oblongata was. We'd ask her and she would point to her head, it was so cute!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Lizzle said...

Wait... I'm not friends with Tom...

10:04 AM  

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